One of us (it wasn't me!) got a craze for Andre Rieu and wanted to see
him in his home city. Newmarket Travel, in the local paper, advertised
a weekend, including tickets, for his Concert in June. Rang sister Ann
(Michael is also a fan) and they joined us. Gave our collection points
as Staines and Weybridge (both normal for coach companies). No problem.
After full payment is made we get a letter saying the collection point
for all of us will be Walton upon Thames! Hang on! Edna rings and says
"Surely you've got a collection point nearer Staines?". The
girl who answers the phone says that we are down as a Staines collection
(for all of us), "Please confirm that in writing" (even though
Ann and Michael want Weybridge, it's easier for them to do Staines than
for any of us to do Walton). Edna then says "they're not picking
us up 'til 3 o'clock". Surely not, we'd get there about 1 in the
morning. You've guessed it, 3 AM! We are all now gritting our teeth
and if there were any Newmarket Travel employees about........... You
don't find these things out until you've paid in full. Anyway, I won't
bore you with the details (my car wouldn't start, standing in the middle
of a main road at 3AM waving my arms because the driver didn't know
where he was supposed to collect, going through Hinchley Wood with the
driver looking at his map, taking his reading glasses on and off while
driving - I shut my eyes). Eventually (the tunnel journey was great)
we got to our hotel in Belgium! (they did also say that our Hotel would
be within 90 minutes of Maastricht, you've guessed it, the Hotel was
90 minutes away). Got there at 1 PM. WHY? Were told that the rooms may
not be ready (ours were, actually). This is Saturday, the Concert is
Sunday. We're in a commercial / residential area for nearly 24 hours.
Had a walk around but could find nowhere to eat locally so ate in the
hotel. In our room was a menu, vin de pays wine at 11 euros. Ordered
a bottle with our meal, which was ok, but on the bill 18 euros. Hang
on, I ordered Vin de Pays, waiter never said a word, changed the bill,
13 euros. Close enough, I like the Belgians so don't want to start a
national incident. {I'm not sure about the exact prices of the wine
but they're close enough} I'm still whingeing and we're not at
Maastricht yet!
Anyway, 11 AM the next morning we leave for Maastricht. Good journey,
weather grotty, but... Maastricht is a lovely Town (even in the rain).
Had a wander around, a few photos, lunch etc. BUT, what time does the
Concert start? 9 PM! What time does it finish? Midnight! (and we've
got a 90 minute journey after that). Into a pub for a few more drinks
and got to the venue VERY early.
We were lucky! It had rained all day but in the evening it was fine(ish).
Let me be honest, I'd never sat and watched Andre Rieu before (I watch
cricket while Edna is watching classical) but it was FABULOUS. A GREAT
Concert. If we'd known, before we came, of the problems we would face
- no way but, I'm glad we went (there's no greater praise of Andre Rieu).
Got back to the hotel at about 1.45 AM! - expletive deleted - and up
for breakfast at 9. Then away for a stop off at Bruges.
Always wanted to go there and, from what we
saw, we will. We sorted our own lunch out but, if we'd followed the
Courier into the centre of Bruges, we wouldn't
have had time. We got back about 2 minutes late (I hated that); some
were back 15 minutes late or more!
I'm not going any further; Newmarket Travel is now a no-no.

We were lucky, Rain all day and this at