Smith’s Site |
Christmas 2015 was such a busy time that we decided to spend Christmas 2016 and New Year on the Saga Sapphire. Ann and Michael joined us. As the cruise was only into the Med. we did not expect too much in the way of hot weather but were pleasantly surprised. After an awful couple of days crossing the Bay of Biscay it was sunshine all the way. Not hot in Italy (quite chilly actually) but shirt sleeves in Gibraltar and pleasantly warm in Spain. Ports visited were El Ferrol, Cadiz, Valencia, Barcelona, Livorno, Civitavecchia, Valletta, Palma, Gibraltar and Leixoes (Oporto). Met up with Shirley Butterworth and David Wright, who we'd travelled with before, and shared a table for 6 at dinner. Excellent company and David won first prize for "games on board", thanks partly to the points earned in our quiz team! Another plus was the fact that the Perfect Mood Duo (Zoltan and Lily), two excellent musicians from Hungary, were there to entertain us again.
Saga Sapphire
2016-17 |