Smith’s Site |
20/11/23 Went, for tthe first time in over 4 years (because of serious health problems), on another Saga cruise. 22 nights on the Spirit of Adventure (new ship built specially for Saga). Very good but sadly, it didn't seem the same without Edna. 27/01/23 Updated several Sixties and Blues pages. 10/01/23 Another sixties "hero" dies. Never saw him, only had one of his singles but King Size Taylor was, actually, among my favourites for several reasons. Also, I've updated the Alex Harvey page. 22/08/21 I don't update the site too much (the family tree is constantly being updated on the new site) but had to update the Everly Brothers page with the sad news that Don has died. As my sister says "Doesn't it make you feel old!". 10/09/20 I've found an excellent, inexpensive family tree website builder, https://www.tngsitebuilding.com/ , which I am now using to run my tree web site, new site is here . Early days yet but early signs are promising. By the way, we had a nice quiet week in Wiltshire, visiting (again) the haunts of our forefathers. 13/07/20 Because of the serious health problems we had to cancel the 7 (seven!) Saga cruises we had booked and are now looking forward to a week in Wiltshire in August / September (coronavirus permitting)! ARE WE DOWNHEARTED - well, yes actually. Still, life goes on and the tree is still being added to. 14/05/19 Three cruises (see below) are all now on and up and running! Slow progress on the family tree, because of the health problems, but bits and pieces are being added. 19/05/19 Had three cruises(!) back to back on the Saga Sapphire in March / April. They were 14 days in Iberia, 6 days in Norway and 10 days in Ireland. All excellent but there are very serious health problems in the family at the moment so I am adding bits and pieces when I can. Be patient. 18/10/18 Had a short
(10 day) cruise, on The Saga Pearl II, to The Netherlands, Germany,
Denmark and Sweden. Weather was nice and a pleasant time was had. The
last time on the Pearl as she is being taken out of service in the first
half of next year. Am pretty sure that I have now updated all destinations
(except the new cruise which will be done soon). 22/12/15 Had a pretty disappointing cruise on the Magellan but, we did only go on it because it was cheap! 23/09/15 The 2015 Sapphire is now complete. 22/09/15 Back from a (to be honest, not the greatest) two weeks in Gibraltar. Apart from this I have updated the 2015 Sapphire (although it's not finished) and the Family Tree site is still having bits and pieces added. 11/08/15 The 2014 Sapphire Cruise is now complete. 05/08/15 Have now finished the 2013 Ruby Cruise. 04/08/15 I have actually been cracking on although still very busy in my "other" life. The latest (and last) Ruby Cruise has still not been completed but the Pearl Cruise has. I'm still working on the first Sapphire Cruise but there's now another one being added! 29/11/14 I have added bits and pieces on the latest cruises on the Saga Ruby, Saga Sapphire and Saga Pearl II. 09/11/14 Have been very lax with the updates - too much going on in my world! Have changed the Home Page because my simple rolling update applet is seen as a possible "invasion"! Nothing on this site is but, even I can't access it through my ISP. Anyway, I've got three cruises to add plus a couple of ships but these will be added slowly. Sorry, I'm very busy at the moment. I've updated The Family Tree several times however. 28/09/12 Went
with Viking Cruises on a Danube River
Cruise in Eastern Europe, good but not the quality of a sea cruise.
The Family Tree now has 11328 individuals and 2000 surnames. 18/06/12 Can't believe that time has flown so fast! We're back from a cruise on the Saga Ruby and (because we've now been there three times) I've (at last) added a page for Crete.Of course the Family Tree site has been added to in the last 10 months! 31/08/11 At last I've added the photos for our Prague Holiday! 26/08/11 As
usual the Family Tree Site has
been continually updated (now there are 10171 individuals and 1798 surnames)
but I've also added pages for the latest
cruise - around the British Isles, fabulous. 05/07/11 Happy New Year! Of course I don't mean that but it's the first time I've visited updates in 2011! As usual this doesn't mean that the Family Tree Site hasn't been updated (it now has 9909 individuals and 1756 surnames - I was right to be suspicious on 23rd. November, new computer and every person in the tree - including live ones - were included). I've now managed to put our 2011 holiday in Prague on-line but no photos as yet - watch this space. 23/11/10 Gibraltar at last! I have, of course, been updating the Family Tree Site (which seems to take more and more time) and it now has 10570 (can this be right?) individuals and 1842 surnames. 29/09/10 The Family Tree site has been continually updated and now contains 9072 individuals and 1586 surnames. I have also (at last) updated Zakynthos to include our 2009 holiday as well as the photos. Gibraltar 2010 is next! 14/04/10 The Family Tree has been updated but the main site is taking a back seat (too much going on). However, I just found a great personal web site run by Brant Gibbard who has a (very) distant link to the tree. Haven't put any of his people on the Tree yet but it was such a great site that I had to add it! 04/02/10 I'm well aware that my links state that I'm not paid for any of them (and I'm still not) but I must admit that the latest one I've added ( http://www.archiverecords.co.uk/ ) is run by someone who, I like to think, is now a bit more than a business acquaintence. The variety of used vinyl is astonishing and a visit to the shop in Addlestone, Surrey is well worth it. 31/01/10 I know I haven't been doing updates on the main site but the family tree site has been kept up to date and now has 8448 individuals and 1418 surnames. 19/06/09 Some photos have now been added for the 2009 Saga Ruby and QM2 Cruises and a few more destinations have been added. The Family Tree Site now has 7511 individuals and 1232 surnames. 02/06/09 Have added the latest ( Saga Ruby and QM2 ) cruises although there are no photos yet and some of the destinations do not have a page yet. I'm working on it! 30/05/09 I've knuckled down and added a page for one of my favourite cruise destinations, Gibraltar. I've, hopefully, adjusted all the links from the various cruises and put in a couple of photos. I'm afraid it's easy to NOT put on a page for Gibraltar because perhaps, compared to the likes of Dubrovnik, St. Petersburg and Istanbul, it's not exciting but it's a terrific place and somewhere that I'd like to spend more time. 25/05/09 There have again been many updates on the Family Tree Site. It now has 7467 individuals and 1225 surnames! I have at last added some photos for the Black Sea Cruise . Almost forced to do this because we have been on two further cruises aboard the Saga Ruby and the Queen Mary 2. 06/01/09 There have been quite a few updates on the Family Tree Site which now has 7223 individuals and 1161 surnames. There is, in fact, now a line that goes back from brother-in-law Michael's distant relations by marriage to King Edward I! May be very distant but we all want to find a connection with Royalty. Also have added the latest main holiday, a month's cruise to the Black Sea aboard the Black Watch. Not too many photos sorted and added yet but they will be..... 14/07/08 Now back from a few days staying near Bath with another friend met on the Saga Rose in 2002! Spent a few hours at the Wiltshire Record Office in Chippenham and Bath History Centre so the Family Tree has now been updated (contains 6653 individuals and 1008 surnames!). Also visited Chris Hinton on the way back (a second cousin of Edna's who is THE number one researcher for our line of the Brewers). As promised, have added a Bo Diddley page and, in fact, have re-vamped the Blues Page with many more sound bites of covers of the Blues Artists I like. 19/06/08 Just
back from an excellent few days chasing the Ancestors in Rainow and
Bollington in Cheshire. Lovely area and also visited Jodrell Bank and
Quarry Bank Mill (not to be missed, especially if your ancestors worked
in the cotton industry). Then journeyed on to stay with Mavis
and Robert (who we met on the Baltic Cruise
) near Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire. Had a wonderful time and must go
back to do a bit of walking. 02/06/08 I have been updating the Family Tree Site (it now has 6590 individuals and 1000 surnames!) but haven't changed this page. Now, however, there's another Holiday to report! Filzmoos in Austria, wonderful. Photos to follow. Have just heard that Bo Diddley has died, another of my favourites. I'm playing his CDs NOW and must do a page with my favourite track. 26/12/07 As a New Year's Treat (to me) I've added a few pages about some r 'n' r / 60s stars that I loved (unfortunately all of these have passed on). There are a few personal comments and a soundbite for each one. The Tree site now has 6228 individuals and 930 surnames (don't ask me how the surnames have decreased!). 12/12/07 Lots going on on the Family Tree front. I've had contact with three distant relatives. I found Geoff Frogley through the Frogley Forum on Genealogy.com . Peter Stanley (on my Smith side) found me through the Buckinghamshire FHS and Carol Longden (nee Payne) found me through the web site. Site now has 6210 individuals and 931 surnames. The main additions are Frogley, Weston, Smith, Margetts and Cox. 18/11/07 Just got back from a couple of sunny weeks in Lanzarote. Sunbathing Thursday morning, freezing Thursday night! That's the £150 voucher from Cosmos used but they did redeem themselves. Also had a smashing week in Cambridgeshire and Essex chasing the Ancestors. Weston Colville, Castle Camps and Saffron Walden (what a lovely town) were the main points of call but there were several (family wise) minor places. The Tree now has 6086 individuals and 915 surnames. 01/10/07 Having found the WHITE connection to my immediate ancestors I found a site which (apparently) is run by a distant cousin ( http://white.rootschat.net/index.html ). I've tried to make contact but no luck, still he/she may get in touch. Anyway, this opened more doors in Oxfordshire and the Tree Site now has 5972 individuals and 899 surnames. The main surnames updated are COX, WHITE, HICKS, HATTON and VERNON. 25/09/07 A long time since the last main site update but the Family Tree site HAS been regularly updated. Now has 5845 individuals and 886 surnames. Thanks to a Parish Records CD from Oxfordshire FHS the SMITHS of South Weston have been updated and AUSTIN, PULLEN and WHITE are three names that have a considerable number of additions in this area. Also, in August we travelled on the QEII to the Med. Not quite what we hoped for. But, when we got back there was a letter from Cosmos waiting. To cut a long story short, enclosed was a cheque for £100 (it pays to complain) plus a voucher for £150 off any Cosmos holiday. 31/07/07 The 28 days are up tomorrow! Another update to the tree, mainly the Free family. Now has 5483 and 848. 16/07/07 Followed up my e-mail to Cosmos and received a reply stating that they would be in touch within 28 days. We shall see. A major update of the tree which now has 5437 individuals and 842 surnames. Names which have several new people are Arnold (thanks to JOHN NICHOLS), Hullyer, Taylor, French, Brown, Peveret and Argent. I have also revisited and updated quite a few of the Smiths in Oxon. 26/06/07 Photos now added for the River Cruise. Got an acknowledgement from Cosmos saying that they would reply within 24 hours. 48 hours now passed and nothing, am I surprised? 24/06/07 The Russian River Cruise (no photos yet) is now on and Moscow and St. Petersburg are updated. I've e-mailed Cosmos Tourama with my comments and let's see what follows! 20/06/07 Back (today) from a River Cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Lots to say about it but have only added a few comments about the boat we sailed on so far. 03/06/07 Just a couple of photos added for Alicante. 28/05/07 We went back to Alicante to visit cousin Margaret and husband Dave and had a great time.More to be said about that holiday. Also went to Kent (Rainham, Upchurch and Borden) to visit the haunts of my Inwood and Copping ancestors. More details of them on the tree (which now has 5284 individuals). Also took the chance to visit Cynthia and Don (see MARATHON) who had never met in the UK before! They were as nice as we remembered. 28/02/07 After
many more hours work (over quite a long period) I have updated the BLUES
page. 27/02/07 NEVILLE THOMAS (a sixth cousin, once removed!) contacted me and told me about my 6x Great Grandparents DAFTER.Tree now has 5275 individuals and 825 surnames.I have also added a few things about CRICKET from my personal collection (after many hours work). 19/02/07 Thanks to CLAIRE FORT for giving me a connection between the KILLICKS and the FORTS. There are now 18 FORTS on the Family Tree Site which has 5253 individuals and 822 Surnames. 29/01/07 5224 and 818. Following trips to the Surrey History Centre and checking Parish Records in Cambridgeshire (CDs bought from the Cambridgeshire FHS) There are many additions to BROOMFIELD, RISBRIDGER, SLY, WENHAM and WIFFIN etc. Also added Tenerife to the holiday pages. 02/01/07 Happy
New Year! 5027
and 793 in the Tree now. Major additions to HALLIWELL, SLADE, BRADMAN
(I found out that the Don's ancestors came from the Cambridgeshire/Suffolk
border, about 4-5 miles from where mine came from, so the Ashes have
now been won by my team!), COWELL, BARKER, COLLETT and DANDRIDGE (I've
now put on all that Trish Gage kindly sent me). 11/12/06 4905 Individuals and 765 surnames. As you can see a lot of updates to the Tree in the last four weeks. Some names that have quite a lot of additions are: KEEN, MILES, HILLIER, BETTS, HOARE, KIBBLEWHITE, SWAYNE, WARREN, EDWARDS, ALLUM, BRADMAN, JEFFERY. 17/11/06 Tree
Site 4641 and 728 What a week! Spent a few days in Swindon (also
visiting the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Record Offices) and met up
with Edna's second cousin Chris Hinton (for the first time). We had
a great day and she showed us many of the "haunts" of Edna's
Ancestors in Wiltshire. Quite a few bits updated for the Crews and Cleverleys
in South Cerney, Gloucestershire (visited there, what a fabulous place)
and Bundeys and Saunders in Salisbury. 10/11/06 Tree Site 4589 and 722 (Dandridges) 08/11/06 Tree Site 4557 individuals and 713 surnames Thanks to Alan Jackson (who sent me a tree of KNIBBS) there has been a complete overhaul of this and associated surnames. Visit his One Name Study Site if Knibbs is your interest. Also 2 new surnames in Rainham, Kent - TADMAN and KIDNEY and several more CLEVERLEYs in the Swindon area. 01/11/06 4490
and 698 (Knibbs) Funny how things happen. I received an e-mail from
Don Knibbs on 28th. September trying to find a connection between his
tree and mine. None found but I did look and updated a few on 19th.
October. He mentioned that he would contact the person who was doing
a One Name Study of Knibbs with my findings. Then, while entering Dandridges
supplied by Trish Gage, I found a John Dandridge who was convicted at
Aylesbury and transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) following
the Swing Riots of 1830. I did a search on Google and found http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~knibbetc/page3d1.htm 31/10/06 4464 and 695 (Dandridges, over 200 now) 30/10/06 4418 and 688 (Dandridge again) 29/10/06 4367 and 686 (Crew, Dandridge and 3 new ones. HADLEY, DE GRAY & CARR) 25/10/06 4327 ind. 677 sur. (Stoneham and Jacques) 23/10/06 4305 ind. 676 sur. (Dandridges again). 20/10/06 Keeping the Family Tree updated (Dandridge). 4263 individuals and 673 surnames. It seems silly to keep spelling out the Family Tree updates so IN FUTURE I will start each update with the number of individuals and surnames (whether the tree is updated or not). 19/10/06 Small Family Tree update (Knibbs and Dandridge). 4220 individuals and 668 surnames. 15/10/06 I know, it's been a long time! We've been away for 4 weeks on The Arcadia (P & O) to the Western Med. and The Canaries. I'll be updating the Holidays over the next few(?) days as well as updating the Family Tree (which is being continually changed and now contains 4199 individuals and 665 surnames). 06/08/06 I have been sent a Tree covering the Dandridges from the Drayton St. Leonard, Oxon area (Edith Eliza D. being my Great Aunt). This was supplied by Trish Gage (many thanks) and was compiled by Keith Hazell. I'm just starting to put it on the Family Tree Site but it will take some time! 29/07/06 Have at last put something on for the Baltic Cruise on the Ruby (a main page and photos at the moment, nothing yet for individual visits). 20/07/06 So,
so busy! Had to spend the day at Guildford watching cricket today. News
is that Justin Langer (always strikes me as one of cricket's gentlemen)
scored 342 for Somerset! This is the highest score ever for Somerset
(beats Viv Richard's 322, you can't do better than that). 02/07/06 It's
too hot to do a serious update! I know, I was moaning that it was chilly
and miserable but I'm not moaning that it's too hot (over 30C), just
too hot to concentrate on a proper update. Anyway, we've just got back
from a Baltic Cruise on the Saga Ruby and there's a lot of work to do
on that. It was great, thankyou for asking! 26/05/06 Sad
to see that another of my favourites died at the weekend. Freddie and
the Dreamers may not be everyone's cup of tea but I
liked them and Freddie Garrity was great fun to watch on stage. A real
entertainer. Hammersmith Odeon, 1964, Beatles Christmas Show. Freddie,
"The natives have set fire to the missionaries. Holy Smoke!"
That was the level of his humour, harmless and funny. 10/05/06 We got so fed up with the chilly weather in the UK that we decided to take a break in the sun. As the Greek Islands are about our favourite sunshine destinations we plumped for Rhodes. Had a great time, not too hot, not crowded and a Greek Easter! Read all about it and see the photos. I'm still updating the Family Tree, bit by bit, especially now that the 1841 Census is on line. Worth a look if the Tree is your thing! 07/04/06 Another
one of my favourites gone. Saw Gene Pitney only once (in the 80s) but
have been a fan since the early days. My favourite era for Gene was
the mid 60s (Just one smile etc.). He issued some Great love records
about that time and I was at that age! My number one track, however,
is "Only love can break a heart" (1962). If you don't know
Gene's work then listen to that and weep. RIP. 21/03/06 First day of Spring and it's still ruddy cold. Still, at least we've had no snow (unlike the poor devils in some other parts of the U.K.) or floods at all this winter. Anyway, The Family Tree Site has been updated again and now has 3528 individuals and 587 surnames (mainly due to confirming a second marriage for Great Great Grandfather Albert Hawkins) 27/02/06 Yes, I have still been updating the Family Tree Site regularly so the main site is still on the back burner. The Family Tree now has 3471 individuals and 579 surnames. Most of this is because of Ancestry.co.uk which is revealing a wealth of information. 01/01/06 Happy New Year to you all. The new family tree site (see below) is being updated (almost) every week and now has 3211 individuals and 553 surnames. I'm particularly pleased that it now contains 70+ people living in Wraysbury, Bucks. England in the 19th. Century (I live in Wraysbury in the 21st. Century). 12/12/05 WELL! Helen Gotterson (again) has shown me the way and we now have a few more DIRECT LINE ancestors (Copping and Saunders). Thanks to her I have subscribed to Ancestry.co.uk and don't know what I did without them! The new web site (terry-smith.info) now contains 2973 individuals and 534 surnames. 14/11/05 NEAL MANSFIELD has given me a lot of detail in the Man(s)field line, some of which has been added to the Family Tree site. This now contains 2730 individuals in 501 families. 30/10/05 Thanks to MAX GARNER (and the very helpful site of Dr. Sharron Schwartz that he pointed me to) there has been a significant update to the Lean / Nickell line. The family tree site now contains 2603 individuals and 485 surnames. 16/10/05 Following a visit to Oxfordshire Record Centre much new information has been found for the SMITHS in South Weston. (Also some additions to the CURTIS line). There are now 2538 individuals and 476 surnames on the other web site. 22/09/05 Following an excellent day trip to Dubrovnik from Budva I have been moved to comment further on my favourite destination. I have also been given permission by Davor Zorc to add a couple of photos that he had on his site. 11/09/05 Got back yesterday from a fabulous holiday in Budva, Montenegro. Just a few lines about it, photos to follow. (A few photos added on the 13th.) 13/08/05 Another update to the Family Tree, mainly to the HOGSFLESH branch. Now 2445 individuals and 464 surnames. Btinternet appear to have stopped uploads to my previous site and I now (apparently) have to use a BT.Yahoo site. Hopefully they won't stick adverts on it! 24/07/05 My computer went into terminal decline so a new one had to be bought. Sorry for the delay. Over this weekend the news of Long John Baldry's death was announced and I just had to make the first update my own little tribute to him. I have also updated the Family Tree. It now has 2325 individuals and 436 surnames. A lot of these are again due to Helen Gotterson but also to Dave Cooper (a Froud connection in Canada). Dave has sent me more information which I have yet to upload. 15/05/05 Back from 5 weeks(!) in Malta. Read the initial thoughts. Photos to follow. 20/03/05 Another Family Tree update. Now has 2223 individuals and 421 surnames. 04/02/05 A small but significant update. 6 certificates have added detail to the direct Lean/Dickinson line. There are now 2055 individuals and 386 surnames.(Click the blue underlined link below to access). 30/01/05 Another family history update. Now 2039 individuals with 382 surnames. 28/12/04 All the relevant details supplied by Helen have now been added and there are now in excess of 100 Frouds. The total number of individuals is now 1981 with 374 different surnames. Check here. 20/12/04 Thanks (mainly) to Helen Gotterson the Froud family now numbers 74 with more to come! The total number of individuals is now 1941 with 370 different surnames. 11/12/04 The Family Tree now has 1860 individuals and 353 surnames and our Holidays now total about 40 (many more still to go). 31/10/04 You've waited long enough! The Family Tree now has 1739 individuals and 335 surnames! 14/06/04 At last a Family Tree update. Now has 1553 individuals and 302 surnames. 12/05/04 I know it looks as though we haven't updated since the 6th. April but we are still adding Holiday details. There are now over thirty. 06/04/04 We are gradually putting a few photos and comments on for our past Holidays. I can't believe there are so many to do! 19/03/04 We have added an Acknowledgement / Thankyou page which gives details of some of the nice people (and their links) who have helped us in our Family History Search. New Tree update on the way! 07/03/04 Family Tree now has 1366 individuals and 275 surnames. 09/02/04 Another change to the Family Tree! Now has 1315 individuals and 265 surnames. 08/02/04 AT LAST ANOTHER UPDATE. The Family Tree now contains 1276 individuals and 261 different surnames! Click HERE to go to the new site. 20/09/03 The Family Tree has been greatly extended and now has 848 individuals and 171 different surnames. Click HERE to go to the new Site. Return to this Site by selecting HOME. 11/02/03 Since starting this site I have found LEGACY 4.0 which is a FREE Family Tree Database that automatically creates web pages for your Tree. I have uploaded these with FTP EXPLORER (again FREE) to another Site. This contains searchable details of over 700 of our relations! Go there by clicking THIS LINK. You can return to this Site by selecting HOME. 01/12/02
Details of William
BREWER and Ruth
DRAPER updated. Eleanor
Jane SMITH found at last! SMITH
details added to and BARKER,
added. |
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