Saga Sapphire
Were given a very pleasant welcome to Turku. It's nice when people take
the trouble
Went in on the shuttle
bus seeing a few tall ships on the way. The bus stopped at the Castle
(which was, apparently, the best stop to see the tall ships by)
Turku Castle taken from the ship (with
a few tall ships behind)
but we went to the next
stop so that we could walk to the Cathedral. Pleasant wander around
but, as we get older, walking any distance is becoming more of a problem
(especially for Edna) so we didn't do too much - we'd done quite a lot
in Stockholm yesterday.
Per Brahe (Governor-General of Finland) and
Turku Cathedral
Per Brahe and Cathedral
The walk back to the bus
was alongside a very pleasant river (the Aura) which had some rather
curious "statues" floating in it.
Statues(?) on the River Aura
We stayed overnight in
Turku because the Tall Ships Race was leaving
here the next day and we were going to head the procession out!